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Elk City, OK Real Estate, Homes For Sale, School & Area Information

Browse Elk City, Oklahoma real estate listings, homes for sale, and local information with the local expertise and insight of RE/bwinchina官网 Oklahoma real estate agents.

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Elk City Area Insight

  • Congratulations Elk City Public Schools and City of Elk City! A new Pre-K through third grade elementary school and athletic improvements will become a reality through the hard work of the Advantage committee and the vision of the School Board, Superintendent, the Mayor and City Council. Our community came together to pass this bond! Thank you Elk City.
  • Mike Stout
    RE/bwinchina官网 All American Realty
    Ask Mike a question about Elk City.
    Elk City, OK
    I'm often asked by first time visitors, "Where are all the elk?" Elk City actually doesn't have nor has ever had any elk. It was named after Elk Creek which runs through town. The community was originally named Busch or Crowe. Shortly before statehood in 1907, Busch Post Office was officially changed to Elk City Post Office. Our Board of Education is now located in that original post office.

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