Ryan Cole

RE/bwinchina官网代理商是业内最具生产力的代理商,为俄克拉荷马城的人们提供所需的房地产知识和服务. Let Ryan help you with your real estate needs in the Oklahoma City area.

Personal Insight

Reviews on Zillow

  • Highly likely to recommend
    12/17/2021 - lancer llabrie
    Listed and sold a home
    Ryan was awesome in assisting me with the sale of my home. 他尽心尽力地把工作完成,并使我尽可能地轻松. He guided me through the whole process, and communicated every detail so I knew exactly what was happening, and was there anytime I needed him. 在我压力很大的时候,你为我所做的一切,我真是感激不尽. I look forward to working with you in finding my new home!
  • Highly likely to recommend
    9/7/2021 - zuser20200513081740087
    Helped me buy home
    我在看房的过程中度过了一段美妙的时光,最终找到了一套我们喜欢的房子,和Ryan一起买下了它. 每个房子,瑞安似乎都明白我们在找什么,并很快向我们展示符合这些参数的房源. 瑞安在巡回演出中展示了他的专业知识,他善于发现当前的问题或未来的问题,并指出问题而不是掩盖问题. 他性格很好,真的很在乎给你找一个让你开心的地方. 他的回复速度很快,而且善于沟通,所以你可以得到你所需要的有关房产的所有信息. 我和Ryan一起看房子的时候笑了很多,因为他乐观的性格让我感到平静和放松. 他有一个伟大的人际网络,几乎任何未来的项目或更新你的家可能需要. 他很诚实,在我们第一次通话中,他说他会为我而战,需要我对他投入, 他做得非常好,我非常感谢并推荐他为我们找到了家. 即使在打烊之后,他仍然会入住并跟进,他是一个非常好的朋友和经纪人. 我感觉很糟糕,因为他几乎24小时都在那里为我回答问题,或者做房产研究,我不知道他怎么有时间给其他买家或卖家,更不用说他的家人了. 这就像我接受了一对一的治疗,整个过程都很愉快. I hope you give him an opportunity to find or sell your next home. 我也希望当我们去升级的时候他还是一个代理,因为我想象不出一个更好的代理来合作.
  • Highly likely to recommend
    6/15/2021 - rubyakuffo
    Helped me buy home
    Ryan was nothing short of amazing! He made the process painless and always had great advice. Thank you for everything! You made my dream come true. - Ruby.
  • Highly likely to recommend
    4/13/2021 - rdrxdnjgmp
    Helped me buy home
    Ryan was great! He helped me purchase my first home! Very knowledgeable and helped me with any questions I had. 他总是愿意一路开车去摩尔帮我看房! Just a wonderful realtor!
  • Highly likely to recommend
    9/27/2020 - hrickett09
    Listed and sold a home
    I found Ryan through Google, 他在我的房子上市两天后就把它卖了还有很多人出价. 几天后我要搬到另一个州,所以我完全依赖瑞安的助手. 瑞安所做的远远超出了他作为房地产经纪人的职责他确保我的房子从开始到结束都被照顾得很好. Because I live In other state, 瑞安帮我安排了家里所有的维修服务,并确保以最低的价格找到高质量的承包商. He made sure he was available for me whenever I needed his help. He always answers my call even in the nights and weekends. 我觉得我很幸运有Ryan做我的房地产经纪人,因为他让卖房子的过程更容易,也减少了我的压力. Ryan is very knowledgeable to his profession and very dedicate to his job. 他照顾我的房子,并帮助我解决所有与房子有关的问题 . He made sure the house was cleaned and ready for the new owner to move. 他每天都与我沟通,以确保我知道我们在销售过程中所处的位置. As seller’s agent, he made sure my interests were protected!!! I couldn’t thanks him enough!!!!! To anyone who is looking for a realtor, you will be feel lucky to have Ryan represent you just as much as I did. He has a great personality to work with! I can’t say enough good things about to work with Ryan. Buying or selling house can be very stressful, 但是找一个好的代理可以使这个过程更加顺利和容易!!!! 瑞安,我真的很感激你为我做的一切,让我的房子在两天内卖掉!!
  • Highly likely to recommend
    7/17/2020 - CollinFreeman
    Helped me buy home
    Ryan Cole was extremely helpful in helping me find my first home. 他非常专业,对电话、短信和电子邮件的反应很快. If you are someone looking to find the right house for you, or even sell. Ryan Cole is definitely someone you need to have a conversation with.
  • Highly likely to recommend
    4/10/2020 - ashly kocher
    Helped me buy and sell homes
    Ryan Cole made selling AND buying a home smooth and enjoyable. When we started out, 因为这是我们的第三次了,所以我们全心全意地计划着自己的买卖. 在和Ryan聊完房子后,他向我们解释了他可以如何帮助我们. 在通话结束时,我们觉得我们找到了一个真正会为我们的家庭全力以赴的人. 瑞安表现得非常出色,因为他似乎在任何时间都有空, organizing multiple marketing platforms, and even going out of his way to get us better loan rates. But that's not even what gives him our high rating. 瑞安在幕后做了很多工作,以确保我们买到一套适合我们的高质量房子,而不是走过场. He sold our house in less than a week at full asking! Ryan offered that family feel and we are glad to consider him a friend.
  • Highly likely to recommend
    Helped me buy home
    Ryan has been a breeze to work with! From day one he was professional and detail oriented. 每次我有问题时,他都能很快地给出准确的信息,并确切地知道他在说什么. 其他房地产经纪人都很咄咄逼人,不听我想要什么,但瑞安完全知道我想要什么,并确保我的所有需求都能得到满足,脸上带着微笑. 我会毫不犹豫地再次与他合作,我知道没有人能比得上他的名字. All around an amazing person!
  • Highly likely to recommend
    2/18/2020 - Dustin Hanson
    Helped me buy home
    Ryan has been an outstanding agent throughout my buying journey. 从几百英里外购买我的(第一套)房子起初是令人生畏的, 但瑞安一直在忙着完成所有的事情,让我的过程非常顺利. Not only has he been reactive (when necessary), he's been proactive in ensuring I'm getting the most for my money, 在这段经历中,他对我的许多问题的回答都非常迅速和有帮助. I HIGHLY recommend using Ryan for your next real estate transaction!
  • Highly likely to recommend
    12/30/2019 - larrycrum2
    Helped me buy and sell homes
    I'm an investor. I have been dealing with Ryan for 2 years now. I'm also an X realtor. 自从我开始炒房以来,他是为数不多的几个有幸共事的专业人士之一. I trust him and highly recommend him. Larry C.

Professional Info

RE/bwinchina官网 Energy
335 South Mustang Road
Yukon, OK 73099
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